It’s starting. All over Texas, students are stepping up, finding their voices, and fueling the movement called Generation TX. Equal parts inspiration and information, Generation TX (spoken “Generation Texas”) connects us to each other and clarifies the steps we need to take on the path to college and career education, from taking the right classes and tests, to applying to colleges, and then finding the money to pay for school.
We’re Generation TX, and we know that education beyond high school can lead us to the future we want. We’re strong. We’re determined. And we’re not alone – we’re supported by our families, friends, and by a community that’s depending on us to succeed. It’s up to all of us to get inspired and make it happen. Because the future of Texas is Generation TX.
We invite students, parents, educators, businesses, and community leaders to become part of the movement and to support this generation of Texas students. The first step to getting involved with Generation TX is simply to believe in us—believe that we can change the future of Texas.
Generation TX launched in October 2010 in San Antonio and Fort Worth and will be expanding across all of Texas. Join us today and stay informed as Generation TX grows.